Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My First Present This Year

After five years of study, a year of writing and finalization of editing, I am now excited to say that I have received advance copies of my book (In, Not Of - Christian Relevance in 21st Century America) and can announce that the book is available in stores.  Clicking on the picture to the right will link to the Barnes & Noble website, and the book is also available through and can be obtained through any major book seller and Christian Bookstore.

I hope this book will be an encouragement to believers and an effective challenge to skeptics as it provides a brief but extensive overview of apologetic arguments for the existence of God, the God of the Bible as the One True God, and the authority of scripture and the divinity of Christ.  I hope it will be a challenge to believers and skeptics alike as it discusses at length the disconnect between an overwhelming ascription to Christianity in the United States and an equally overwhelming prevalence of non-Christian behavior actually lived out.  I hope it will be thought-provoking to all as it develops the Christian worldview as it relates to four essential topics of our day in comparison with other possible belief systems and incorporating current events and the arts.

In any case, it is a present come a few days early for me as I was able to put my hands on the fruit of that labor and see the physical manifestation of what the Holy Spirit had coalesced in my mind over many years of study and internal wrestling with many ideas.  I hope that God is glorified in the work, that all who are meant to read the book will find it both an encouragement and a challenge, and that the Lord will see fit to bless me with other topics on which to write as this experience has been one of the most trying yet rewarding of my relatively short life.


  1. Congratulations. Who did your cover design?

  2. Thanks. Xulon Press did the publishing and the front cover design. I've been asked already if I sent in the picture, but the young lady is no relation to me, just part of their design. I thought it turned out very well and am well pleased overall with the finished product.


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